Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 651 Hoax! This is a Hoax!

Chapter 651 Hoax! This is a Hoax!

The Leech King is an all-around surveillance creature created by Alex, Queen Mother, and Professor Frances.

It’s body was made up from Alex’s own Abyss Energy and Queen Mother’s immense life force, combined all together by Professor Frances’ life-making and soul-stitching skills.

The combination of these varying energies gave the Leech King capabilities that are useful for stealth and message recording.

Such capabilities include the ability to use small amounts of Abyss Energy to hide itself from detection, and to attach itself on its target with great precision. It also has the ability to synchronize its life force to whoever it attaches to, allowing it to last for a longer time.

There are also multiple special organs placed by Professor Frances all over the Leech King’s body that allows it to record countless information all at once. Whether it be visual, auditory, or olfactory-based information, the Leech King can record it all.

There is also an advanced organ-like processor that acts as the brain inside the Leech King, which handles all the coding and information sending tasks.

The combination of all these abilities raises the usefulness of the Leech King on events that require surveillance, which Alex put into great use on their current situation.


"Aside from the happenings around it, the Leech King can also get info from objects like books or electrical devices, provided that they are nearby. All these info will be recorded by the Leech King inside its ’brain’, and it will stay there until the creature sends back all the info to us." Alina, who only stood a few meters away from Alex, murmured these words to herself as her eyes drooped with dissatisfaction.

She seems to be not that enthused with the idea of using the Leech King on this world, but she did not show any signs of her disapproval all this time.

"The Leech King will always send information to Alex at every 1-hour interval, and it will only live for 12 hours. That means that Alex will receive 11 more information messages from the Leech King before it dies..." Alina added.

"What Alex received right now is the first batch of information, which could contain useful information, or maybe it will be just dud. Nobody knows what it would be, but seeing that the old man who attacked us seems to be part of a powerful clan, the Leech King surely would have gotten something interesting...."

At this time, Alina was already burning in curiosity, to the point that she was tempted to approach Alex and make him speak already.

Alina of course held this impulse in, as she could see that Alex was doing his best to sort all the info that he obtained. Maybe Alex got so much info, that someone like him has to give effort just to make sense of what he received.

Alina had no qualms with Alex doing these actions, as she knew that the more Alex knows about this world, the better it will be.

The laws of this world was just so confusing, that Alina has the desire to know more about it.

"In this area, only evil-related fantasy powers are boosted, while those related to science are suppressed greatly. I thought that should be the norm in this world, but after seeing that bomb, I don’t know what to believe anymore." Alina suddenly said, with her expression turning slightly grim as she remembered the explosion from earlier.

She even gritted her teeth as the appearance of the energy orb flashed in her mind.

"How could a science-based weapon like that bomb become so powerful, even when science-based powers are suppressed in this world? This is just confusing!" Alina muttered darkly. "This does not make sense at all, and it’s honestly making me worried!"

The presence of this bomb, combined with the other things that Alina noticed earlier, made her believe that this world has many unstable factors that seem to violate the very existence of the Laws themselves.

Alina has no idea that such things can appear in reality, but here it is, rightin front of her eyes.

Of course, she could not see how much instability was present, but she was confident that she will discover more once she roams this world.

"Tsk, I hope that the info Alex gets from the Leech King will be of use right now. Because if it doesn’t, it will not be a good news for us!" Alina looked like she wanted to bolt away from this area already, and the only thing stopping her form doing so was Alex himself.

If it weren’t for Alex’s assurance that the Leech King will be useful, Alina could have already used her power to bring them towards a secluded place, as she felt that staying out in the open like this is just too dangerous.

There is just no knowing how much enemies are present this time, and on how many from these enemies will try killing them today.

In fact, Alina had the gut feeling that if she and Alex stays in this place for 10 more minutes, something similar to the bomb attack earlier could possibly happen.

This was of course just a gut feeling, but given Alina’s Chronomancy Power, she did not dare to just dismiss it.

"Alex, are you done sorting the info? Because we really need to know what you got." Alina could not help but make Alex rush his actions, as the threat of another looming attack is making her feel worried again. "Alex, please hurry up...."



The silence that Alex gave to Alina was enough to make her nerves wrack, but she held all her tension in as she waited him to start talking



Fortunately, Alina had to only wait for a few more seconds before she obtained what she was waiting for.

"Hmm? You’re making me rush, Alina? Well, that’s not nice. But lucky for you, I just finished sorting all these info." Alex, who had just opened his eyes after his sudden silence, said these words in a slightly hoarse tone. "Mind you, all the info that I got was certainly interesting..."

"...." Alina was not sure why, but she felt something weird from the way that Alex spokd. Maybe it was just the strain of him digesting all that info, but still, Alex sounded somewhat off.

"But don’t expect the info to save us all. Instead, you should think of this info... as a warning for us." There was a slight tremble on Alex’s jaw as he continued speaking, as if he was trying to restrain something inside his body.

"Yes Alina, consider this info a warning, something that we should keep in our minds every time we are here. And don’t think that I am joking. I really think that we are in serious danger, and if we don’t do the proper actions, we could possibly die here!"


Alex sounded as if he had gone through some kind of mental stress, evident from his posture and his voice. Even the way that he said his last sentence made him sound ominous, something that caught Alina off-guard.

"Alex... Judging by the way that you reacted, you seem to have received a pretty substantial info. And this info seems to have told you everything about this world too...." Alina cautiously said with her voice sounding as low as possible, in hopes of not making Alex feel cornered. "But why are you acting like you met a scary thing? Is the info you got really that scary?"

"Well, my info technically is not scary. But once you hear the info, you will understand why I am reacting like this." Alex’s reply was still as cryptic as ever, which made Alina feel a little more frustration.

"If that info is indeed that way Alex, then tell it to us already." Alina said, this time with a little more sharpness in her tone. "You’re just wasting our time by standing here...."

"Okay, okay, Alina. I was already planning to do that now, so you don’t have to tell it." With Alina’s sharp reminder, the decadent Alex only gave out a sheepish smile before he proceeded to pull out three light balls out from his head.

"What the-"

Ignoring Alina’s shout of surprise, Alex began juggling these light balls if they were normal balls, and he only stopped once he did a full routine.

"See these light balls? I’ll shove this to your heads, and once that happens, you will get the ’Sorted Info’ that I made. This will show you what I am worried about, and I am sure that this will make you understand my new worries." Alex murmured petulantly as he pointed the balls to Alina and co., making it seem as if he was going to use it on them.

This action made Alina freeze a little, although that was because of the fact that Alex just did something that she did not expect.

"Now, this will hurt a little, but I promise you, this will be worth it."

"Wait, why don’t you just-"

The sight of the light balls made Alina’s heart skip, and it continued to skip more once she saw what Alex did next.


With a speed comparable to a laser beam, Alex flung the three light balls to Alina, Queen Mother, and Professor Frances’ heads, with each one of them getting one light ball.

This speed practically caught the trio by surprise, and before they knew it, the balls had already made contact with their heads.


Once this contact has occurred, these light balls began to release countless amounts of data, all which resulted on an assault on the trio’s minds.


All three of them went as rigid as Alex, as their brains did their best to accommodate the information that are being pumped out by the light balls towards them.

All the visuals, the smell, and many more sensations are being processed by the trio this time, and they have no power to reject this.

This was just like Alex’s situation earlier, but this time the trio have it easier, as what they got was the ’sorted info’ already.



The three women stayed this way for a while, and it was only after 30 seconds that the data rush ended, allowing them to feel relaxed again.

Well, this ’relaxed’ felling is just a physical term, as these three women were not mentally relaxed at all right now.

How could they be relaxed, especially after they got the info?

There is no way that they can avoid feeling worried, as they realized what Alex was worried about!

"Gods.... Gods really exist? But... but that is not possible! Not with the way that our Multiverse works!"

Alina was the first one to speak out after the info donation, and she just sounded as worried as she looked. "Alex...please tell me that this is a hoax!"


"Come on, Alex! Gods may have existed before, but with the current formation of the Multiverse, they should have all died out!"


"Alex, tell me that you are just joking! Because if these Gods really does exist, it does not only spell disaster to us. It also spells disaster for a lot of Realms!"



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